I would really like it if you could tell me your worst ever experiences with other Aspies online. The worst sites, the worst aspies, and the worst arguements. And please recount why they stuck in your mind as being hurtful and frustrating. I will post mine later, but I need time to prepare it. Thanks!
I've been banned from both Wrong Planet and Aspies for Freedom. On Aspies for Freedom, this was preceded by a whole lists of insults from various liberals and on Wrong Planet it happened in absolute quietude. The reason is my politically incorrect views that were incorrectly labeled as "racist" or "homophobic".
It's not that difficult to be banned from either WP or AFF, but that would not have happened here.
People might insult your views if they don't share them, though.

Callaway's right. Here, we make up lies about trying to hack into mail servers,
as an excuse for banning.
Shit-stirring again, I see. I'm still waiting for you to prove any of your bullshit, but that's not important to you, is it? Better to simply go on with the shit-stirring, more fun that way.
And, I'd guess, keep posting how bad, how corrupted, this place is, at ZOMG.