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Maybe I need to delete My account

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This is not because I am getting drunk, But I see no respect for Me at Intensity2.


Wrong, Kevv. I respect you, you moron.


You may but I have been here since the begining of Intensity the orginal and Intensity2 I have put this in What I have done and I think I gotten knowwhere at all.

Why don't you start a thread about what you think Intensity should be. I do get the sense that many are unhappy with what Intensity has become. Several threads already exist which draw into question the future, but I haven't seen one from you.

I've seen you drop some hints, about the problems, but you do that everywhere and most of them are related to something else going on, also. If you put all your thoughts in one place, maybe we can make better sense of what you are expecting, from the site and how it could be improved to better meet the needs of its membership.

Don't give up, Kevv. Become part of the solution, instead.


--- Quote from: kevv729 on March 05, 2007, 10:29:50 PM ---This is not because I am getting drunk, But I see no respect for Me at Intensity2.

--- End quote ---

Yes, it is.  You get morose when you drink too much, Kevv.  After you have recovered from your hangover tomorrow, maybe you can try DirtDawg's suggestion.


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