Author Topic: The oldest food item currently in your Fridge  (Read 5013 times)

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Re: The oldest food item currently in your Fridge
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2017, 02:29:47 AM »
Yeah, "gherkins" is in its memory now!

  Excellent.  Even more fun is teaching the phone to remember swear words!  :zoinks:
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Re: The oldest food item currently in your Fridge
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2017, 03:42:55 AM »
Haha, reminds me of my friend's mum, who was quoting someone in a message to my friend. She had to program "fuck" into her phone. Now whenever she types something starting with "f", "fuck" comes up as one of the first choices. :D
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Re: The oldest food item currently in your Fridge
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2017, 06:01:36 AM »
London has a building nicknamed the gherkin.

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Re: The oldest food item currently in your Fridge
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2017, 03:20:31 PM »
I don't even want to know what the oldest item in our fridge is. I try to pretend the stuff in the back doesn't exist.
actually the oldest thing is the wassail i made in 2015. aside from that i think there is some chili from last week, and the rogan josh sauce from a few months ago. ah, no, wrong. the oldest thing is the smoked fish i brought with us when we moved here in march of 2015. it's vacuum packed. unsure how long it was in the fridge in florida - six months to a year, likely.
we don't have anything old in the freezer, and aside from the items above, if it is more than a week old then i throw it out (i know, i know, who are you and what have you done with wolfish?).

Oh, and what about the coconut date roll things from that heath food store down south? And that's just from the things I know about.

Yeah Wolfish, what about those?  :zoinks:

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Re: The oldest food item currently in your Fridge
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2017, 05:18:07 PM »
The oldest items in my fridge, actually aren't food and you really REALLY wouldn't want to eat/drink them. One is a bottle of ethyl acetate, kept in the fridge because of the shitty plastic it came in, to prevent evaporation through the walls of the bottle, the other is a container full of ergot sclerotia for culture.

Ergot (Claviceps purpurea, a parasitic fungus of grasses and grains) is highly toxic, the alkaloids in there like ergotamine though, are useful, ergotamine is used sometimes to treat migraine, because its a powerful vasoconstrictor. And I forget which one now but another ergot alkaloid is used for its vasoconstrictive properties to prevent or treat hemorrhages after birth of children, and as an oxytocic.

Hydrolyzed carefully with base though, lysergic acid can be obtained. Although breeding a productive, stable strain for culture, using various  mutagenic chemicals is a nasty task owing to the fact that they will mess up the biotechnician's DNA as easily as it will the ergot cultures.

And a LOT of work needs to go in, I'm barely started. Estimated time to success is in the years, but I've spent 2-3 years just reading and doing research, as well as buying a hardcopy of the book 'the genus claviceps', managed to get one on amazon for about $40, rather than the couple of hundred £ GBP that many sellers of the book were asking. And its a goldmine of information, an absolute goldmine of truly indispensable research. Plus interesting bedtime reading.

But were someone to eat those sclerotia, chances are their extremities would become gangrenous and rot off, fingers, ears, dicks, noses, toes, hands, feet etc. Quite a lot of bio work and chemistry needs to go in to any productivity and anything harvested needs a lot more work to turn it into psychedelics, such as lysergic acid dimethylazetidide, which is more potent than LSD by weight (!) or the morpholide, less potent by weight but meant to be smoother.  That and a sep funnel containing an amide of piperazine, the propionamide IIRC suspended in a little xylene.

Yup...its best and healthiest to look carefully at exactly what is being taken out of the fridge before consuming anything. Because hades only knows what'll be in there at the time:P
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Re: The oldest food item currently in your Fridge
« Reply #20 on: February 19, 2017, 12:09:01 AM »
I don't even want to know what the oldest item in our fridge is. I try to pretend the stuff in the back doesn't exist.
actually the oldest thing is the wassail i made in 2015. aside from that i think there is some chili from last week, and the rogan josh sauce from a few months ago. ah, no, wrong. the oldest thing is the smoked fish i brought with us when we moved here in march of 2015. it's vacuum packed. unsure how long it was in the fridge in florida - six months to a year, likely.
we don't have anything old in the freezer, and aside from the items above, if it is more than a week old then i throw it out (i know, i know, who are you and what have you done with wolfish?).

Oh, and what about the coconut date roll things from that heath food store down south? And that's just from the things I know about.

Yeah Wolfish, what about those?  :zoinks:
afaik the fish is older. we used to burn through the date rolls so the ones here were bought just before we left, while the fish was bought some time before that and not eaten due to loss of appetite.
dates last forever.
at any rate, no new things are entering the ranks of the oldest. i plan on eating that year old summer sausage very soon.
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Re: The oldest food item currently in your Fridge
« Reply #21 on: February 19, 2017, 12:29:30 AM »
Oh I misread your post, and for some reason thought the fish was from here.

Never mind.  :P
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Re: The oldest food item currently in your Fridge
« Reply #22 on: February 19, 2017, 05:29:20 PM »
the summer sausage was a bit on the salty side.

going to try the fish too, just not sure when/how. might make it into a dip.
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Re: The oldest food item currently in your Fridge
« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2017, 06:07:17 PM »
I cleaned the fridge out a couple of weeks ago. There was some pastry from 6 months ago in there. Kayleigh threw out her gherkins (sp) after she discovered mould floating in the juice. Those were about 6 months old too.

  Gherkins is indeed spelled correctly.  It's a funny word.  The only English words that rhyme with it
  that I can think of are "jerkins" (plural of "jerkin," the old-fashioned garment) and the name Perkins.  :nerdy:

In Louisiana we have Turduckhens.  That rhymes.
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Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: The oldest food item currently in your Fridge
« Reply #24 on: February 19, 2017, 07:43:34 PM »
I cleaned the fridge out a couple of weeks ago. There was some pastry from 6 months ago in there. Kayleigh threw out her gherkins (sp) after she discovered mould floating in the juice. Those were about 6 months old too.

  Gherkins is indeed spelled correctly.  It's a funny word.  The only English words that rhyme with it
  that I can think of are "jerkins" (plural of "jerkin," the old-fashioned garment) and the name Perkins.  :nerdy:

In Louisiana we have Turduckhens.  That rhymes.

  At work, we keep buckets of chopped leftover poultry and beef in buckets for soup.  Because
  chicken and turkey taste enough alike to use in either chicken or turkey soup, we will top a bucket of one
  with some of the other to make enough for a batch of soup.  Therefore, I (privately) refer to these poultry
  buckets as "the churkey buckets."  Once the soup is made, it tastes fine and you can't tell!   :devour:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
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Re: The oldest food item currently in your Fridge
« Reply #25 on: February 19, 2017, 10:28:32 PM »
I cleaned the fridge out a couple of weeks ago. There was some pastry from 6 months ago in there. Kayleigh threw out her gherkins (sp) after she discovered mould floating in the juice. Those were about 6 months old too.

  Gherkins is indeed spelled correctly.  It's a funny word.  The only English words that rhyme with it
  that I can think of are "jerkins" (plural of "jerkin," the old-fashioned garment) and the name Perkins.  :nerdy:

In Louisiana we have Turduckhens.  That rhymes.

  At work, we keep buckets of chopped leftover poultry and beef in buckets for soup.  Because
  chicken and turkey taste enough alike to use in either chicken or turkey soup, we will top a bucket of one
  with some of the other to make enough for a batch of soup.  Therefore, I (privately) refer to these poultry
  buckets as "the churkey buckets."  Once the soup is made, it tastes fine and you can't tell!   :devour:

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Re: The oldest food item currently in your Fridge
« Reply #26 on: February 20, 2017, 03:57:39 PM »
Maybe one should not eat the soup to be able to tell the difference?
I've been a vegetarian for over thirty years now. But I can smell the difference between turkey and chicken. Can also smell the difference between soup made of a mass production chicken and made of a chicken from one's own garden. Only the last smells good to me.

One of the few things I missed when I gave up meat. Home grown chicken.
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Re: The oldest food item currently in your Fridge
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2017, 03:51:52 AM »
What the hell is a turduckhen?

If an ostensibly food item starts with the words 'turd' and 'duck' personally I might be inclined to avoid it, lest the stuffing be of a nature you really wouldn't wish to consume.
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Offline renaeden

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Re: The oldest food item currently in your Fridge
« Reply #28 on: February 21, 2017, 05:17:00 AM »
What the hell is a turduckhen?

If an ostensibly food item starts with the words 'turd' and 'duck' personally I might be inclined to avoid it, lest the stuffing be of a nature you really wouldn't wish to consume.
I know, it sounds pretty bad doesn't it. I wouldn't eat it though, because of what it is. Turducken is a dish consisting of a deboned chicken stuffed into a deboned duck, further stuffed into a deboned turkey.
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Re: The oldest food item currently in your Fridge
« Reply #29 on: February 21, 2017, 10:07:47 AM »
What the hell is a turduckhen?

If an ostensibly food item starts with the words 'turd' and 'duck' personally I might be inclined to avoid it, lest the stuffing be of a nature you really wouldn't wish to consume.
I know, it sounds pretty bad doesn't it. I wouldn't eat it though, because of what it is. Turducken is a dish consisting of a deboned chicken stuffed into a deboned duck, further stuffed into a deboned turkey.

Supposedly created by Paul Prudhomme. 
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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