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How To Delete Your Account
--- Quote from: driftingblizzard on February 25, 2007, 10:32:18 AM ---
--- Quote from: The_P on February 25, 2007, 10:18:05 AM ---
--- Quote from: driftingblizzard on February 25, 2007, 10:01:13 AM ---
--- Quote from: Callaway on February 25, 2007, 09:52:45 AM ---
--- Quote from: PeterMacKenzie on February 25, 2007, 09:44:09 AM ---How many account deletions have we had so far? And how many of those have returned? Sometimes it feels like we have a revolving door here.
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Several. Almost all of them, sooner or later. Some of the deletions are multiple account deletions by the same person, like Shima, Eamonn or Peaguy.
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Shamefully I must admit that I did.....
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Why is it shameful? It's just a message board account. Big deal.
Anyway, I'm glad that the adminstration are having more control over member accounts now.
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Because it was done under the influence of an EMO episode. Im still trying to come to grips with the upheavals of A-S.
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Influenced under complete strangers, more like.
Complete strangers are the ones that you've never talked to or met, one way or another.
I would think the people with actual potential to leave are the ones who just stop coming around as often rather than making a big dramatic commitment to leaving.
Maybe, but the ones that return create more drama and more posts.
My life is becoming exponetially more interesting and dynamic since discovering A-S, and this site. So to me, its more than just a discussion board with electronic people. (as my wife used to call everyone I told her about).... Its been teaching me that the boundaries that I used to see on my life are not really there. I can walk right through them if I choose to.
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