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Happy St. George's day

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Yeah i like reptiles. Hey id even keep a crocodile if i could. ;D

A tortoise haha cool, how long you had it?

Im in a pissy mood, my little mousey suffered an injury due to something that was in its bedding that shouldnt have been there, i bought from a petshop.

I spent hours in a Vets today, as they tried to find out more about its species, and the dosages because of its size etc, and it had to get jags and antibiotics.
Then they considered amputating its foot......but said its little toe is gonna fall off itself anyways within the next week or two.

So if you read in the newspaper tommorrow or sometime this week, that a girl walked into a pet shop and beat the staff up, whilst throwing mouse/hamster bedding about. It was me. ;D

I prefer animals to people in general regardless of their species. lol

Sorry about your little mousey thing.  I aways get pissed off at neds for smashing their bucky bottles everywhere, since it poses a risk to dog's paws.  Scruffs never got cut, fortunately, probably because I always guided her away from the worst of it.

Yeah im lucky that the neds dont smash their bottles near me, and milo is safe in that sense.

However the mousey.......well there was like a wirey string hidden deep in their bedding, and it wrapped round its foot cutting off the blood supply and digged right in, i had to cut the stuff off, but there was already some damage done. The little thing had gnawed at its foot trying to get it off also but cut itself.

The stringey wire shouldnt have been in the bedding. Im normally paranoid about such things even though the pet shops say you should just shove a large amount of bedding in for them to sort themselves. I normally sift thru but mum changed their bedding this time, and just stuck it in.
So i was gutted, felt kinda crap for Smeagel.

sue the fuckers who manufacture the beddings.  bastards.   >:(


--- Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze on May 02, 2006, 12:05:30 PM ---Yeah i like reptiles. Hey id even keep a crocodile if i could. ;D

A tortoise haha cool, how long you had it?

--- End quote ---

We had Bert for over two years now. He, along with another tortoise called Gertie, was a birthday gift for my mother back in September 2003. Gertie, however, somehow escaped when we placed both of them outside the back garden, which was a damn shame (and I'm not surprised either because Bert kept mounting on top of her for sex :P).

Bert's a Hermann Tortoise, a member of the genus Testudo, a family of Mediterranean Tortoises. As you may have noticed, his shell doesn't look too smooth because he has suffered from malnutrition by his first owner (we are his third); he wasn't fed with the right food, unlike now.

Bert's quite a handful. Due to his aggression, he's quite a character. If he wants to be out of his vivarium, for example, he lets you know by banging against the glass. And, like Vivi said earlier, he does run when he sees one of the cats on the prowl. He's quite fascinated with them.


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