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Happy St. George's day

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Happy St. George's Day everybody!

I hope he got done by the RSPCA, the bastard!  Endangered species too!  >:(

Ah, its the nationalism season... lets have some song lyrics...  :P

New Model Army - My Country

Tell all the people who believe what they read in the press
Tell all the folk who stare from behind suburban walls
The enemy is not some nation far across the sea
The enemy is with us every single breathing day

So yes, I will fight for my country
The land that I love so well
Yes - for justice, a land fit for all our futures
Yes, I will fight for my country
The land that I love so well
Hear the voices of our history echo all around

Fight all the ones who divide us rich against poor
Fight all the ones who divide us white against black
Fight all the powers who want their missiles in our earth
Fight all the people who would lead us into war

No rights were ever given to us by the grace of God
No rights were ever given by some United Nations clause
No rights were ever given by some nice guy at the top
Our rights they were bought by all the blood
And all the tears of all our
Grandmothers, grandfathers before

For all the folk who gave their lives for us
For all the folk who spit out - never say die
For all the fires burning on our highest hills
For all the people spinning tales tonight
Fight all the powers who would abuse our Common Laws
Fight all the powers who think they only owe themselves . . .

I'll agree with that.  8)

Damn those poor, missile-hating, passivist niggers that think the law should apply to us whites!  I'm too busy looking after #1 to give a shit.  >:(

*smites peter*  :P


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