Man and woman loving to hear their voiced blurted out all over the village. FEEST-WEEK.
Is it a real feast? Will there be food left for me?
Well, it started with me getting a phone-call if I wanted to come with someone to the annual village break-fast. I did decline the offer. Over 1000 people gathering for breakfast? The thought is enough to make me nauseous.
And every day you will be able to buy some food too I guess. But I will skip everything I can avoid, except for the flea-market come Saturday.
Won't be able to skip the sound-systems. Now there is a "Fiets 'm d'r in" thing going on only one street away from me.
People trying to cross a canal riding their bike, over a 15 cm wide metal bar. So, very exited people commenting on that in the microphone.