It hurts.
Really sick of the orange-and-black uniform? 
I had to go to a bank with my ex today. And there was this overly designed space, with HUGE amounts of orange. Really overly designed. Massive space, two extremely long counters, and only two, also overly designed people working there.
We had to wait for a long time. And after that, the employee was far from effective, and also tried to sell us all kinds of products. So, I got an orange OD today.
Orange was never a colour I liked, some kinds of orange, and some types of blue really hurt. This was the hurting kind.
When I came home, I had to hoist myself in black and orange after a short time. But, the uniform has paled a bit in the sun, so, it is not that painful any more. And it was weather for a jacket too, the jacket is not as bad as the shirt.