^ For some reason when I look at that out of the corner of my eye I read "emo frogs". 
Well Renaeden did say that make a whining noise 
To be properly emo they also have to listen to My Chemical Romance while writing in their online journals. It is important to carefully study frog behaviour before classifying them as emo.
You forgot about their childhood days, how each of them was raised, when did it develop awareness of its surroundings, the kind of relationship it had with its parents. Was it abandoned as a child? Or did it receive a lot of love?
You can't just slap a label just because one feels like it. All the above (and other criteria) matter if you want to have a proper diagnosis of the frog's condition. I think in the upcoming DSM V, we'll see a full list of criteria for diagnosing emo frog syndrome.
Where you have gone wrong is in failing to distinguish been Emo Frog Syndrome and Frog Emotional Attachment Disorder. FEAD can, to the untrained eye, seem to imitate EFS; however, FEAD is a result of a poor relationship between the frog and its parents, whereas EFD is present from birth.
Perhaps the upcoming DSM-V will sort out this confusion of categories.
Another thing that must be considered is the relationship between EFD and FEAD. Could EFD cause frogs' parents to find them annoying as hell, thus leading to the frog-parent relationships that are characteristic of FEAD? More research is needed.