The Conservatives won a majority government last night. 
You'll just have to start an underground rebellion! 
Well considering this gives the Conservatives 4 years to ruin the country without interruption (if you win a majority, no one can force an election until 4 years time) then I suppose it gives me lots of time to get organized 
I think your conservatives are like our center-left moderates.
Conservatives = Republican
Liberals = Democats
Then we also have the NDP and the Green Party.
What I meant was that our two countries have different goalposts. Our conservatives are trying to redefine the definition of rape so that coercion doesn't count. Our conservatives are trying to force the elderly off government provided healthcare. Our conservatives define our current condition of 2.5 wars "peacetime". I think Canadian "conservatives" inhabit a space significantly to the left of American conservatives. Am I wrong?
No, I think it's opposite of that. I'm a bit confused, to be honest. For instance, the Conservative Party of Canada is against abortion and same-sex marriage. Their strong voter base tends to align with large corporations and that's where their funding comes from, whereas the Liberals are more family based, pro-choice, pro gay marriage.
So wouldn't that make the Liberals on the left and the Conservatives on the right?