I found someones phone once.
So, I called it - was some sweet old lady and she thanked me a thousand times, and said it was her sons phone, ( a grown man ) and would call me to arrange pickling it up.
He calls, rude. "where is my phone"
I told him i had it, and if he could meet me near 711 I could give it to him
Not good enough, he wanted me to bring it to his house
well I told him I had to go to work so he had to met me at the 711, which was not far, or wait till tonight
He flipped out on me, saying he didn't have time for my bullshit.
Then he called me a "honkey bitch "

(im guessing he could sear the whiteness in my voice over the phone)
So i told him I was throwing his phone in the creek, and I did