He started demanding things. immediatly. and he also told me that if i didnt do what he told me to that I wasnt really kinky
I told him to fuck off
what a douche. He flooded my inbox with over a hundred messages in like 10 minutes. I managed to get a hold of a webmaster and got him blocked.
Ive already got 5 people doing it right back to him though
Fuck! I went to that collarme site and saw AnaisAngel so I clicked thinking of Anais Niin Delta of Venus. It is a fucking tranny! 
The moral of the story is, stay here on I2, where you see only the most wholesome images and entertainment! 
wow I REALLY pissed him off
He messaged half of collarme saying I'm a man and I stole my pictures from someone
I guess I should be flattered that he thinks im hot enough to steal my pictures
( huh , that made no sense)
All I had to do was post this
He is really obsessed though. I must be damn good 
At first glance, I think you should raise your standards quite a bit.
I am guessing that you are worthy of quite a bit more than mostly twerps. (Not hitting on you! I am old enough to be your grandfather, but I can often recognize quality when I see it.)
thank you

Yeah I didnt message that guy he messaged me. we had like a 5 minute conversation and said "I can do better"
then we was like WTF, and I said "go away"
Yes a bit rude but he was an asshole, I was never really attracted to him. (have you met me ? ) and really never had any intention of meeting him, but his assholism really struck me off bad so I was like

as for the pic of the twerp I posted, well, what can I say. I have a type.
but im not going to meet him

nope, I called it off
and I told my FWB I dont want to see him anymore either ( great dissapointment, I heard an audible sigh, but he is happy for me )
nope nope nope, no more boys for eris
well, just one
and im not joking