she probably would, but I have no idea where she is or anything. it;s ok tho - I guess I just gotta do this on my own. I need to man up 
thanks btw. all parents should fel like that I guess. i know my mum loves me , but I also know I'm a massive disappointment
I know it's selfish but sometimes I really envy people who can take their own lives. that's a fucked up thing to say, but it's true
quick bitch,,,
I have to walk up loads of stairs on thursdays and I'm so unfit
I don't think she'll find you a disappointment at all. She will need time to get used to it, just like it took you time, once you admitted it to yourself.
And she will find it hard to see that your life won't be easy for you.
Parents don't wish hardship on their kids. What you may see as disappointment will very likely be worries about her oldest kid, having to take the hard route in life.
You'll get there Soph. The urge to tell is getting stronger and stronger. And your Mum will know by now something will be told by you soon, she may not know exactly what it is, but it probably did not go unnoticed that there is something you want to tell one of these days/weeks/months.