Poor baby. How did she break it and how long will she have to be in a cast?
She broke it wiping out on her bicycle. Doc says four to six weeks in a cast.

(She is now nicknamed, "Crash," just for fun)
She came into the house wailing and all she could say was, "Daddy, I think I broke my arm! I'm so scared!"
It took me a few minutes to calm her enough to even examine it, but my assessment was the same as hers (she has never been hurt in any way before, so the idea of having pain was very knew to her) and I got her ready for an emergency room trip as quickly as I could. It was swelling and very HOT, so I knew ice would be wise and I used the belt from my bathrobe as a sling, got her favorite stuffed toy to hold, favorite loud music for the car ride, and away we went.