My hamstrings are tight lately! I keep getting these little charley horses! 
I get those too. Either my throne needs adjustment or I've been spending too much time at the computer.
I need a higher computer chair too, but this has only been happening in the last couple of days.
I must have pulled some muscles. I imagine it will soon work itself out. 
And all the guys are now lining up to massage your legs.
So helpful, our gentlemen friends here at IntensitySquared! 
At first read I thought she meant message your legs; then I realised that would be really funny, us guys sending PMs to your legs.
That would be very entertaining! Of course, my legs don't read very well, so I would have to read them the PMs. 
Have you ever tried a magnesium supplement for it?
Strained muscles sometimes need a bit extra of that mineral.
My dad is using it for decades now, and I got it advised two years ago too. Does make a huge difference for us.