Most of my excess fat is in my midsection! If I had toned abs, I'd actually look OK, but the belly overshadows everything else!
*gets out book of ab exercises and gets to work* 
With toned abs, the belly fat still remains. But, toned abs are nice.
Yes, toned muscles will give me a more compact shape as I continue losing the fat! 
I have a compact shape without that.
Just short and a bit plump, very compact.
I am short and chunky, will never be remotely dainty! That's OK, I just want a strong midsection! 
I'm short and have broad shoulders and hips. And a midsection fitting my age.

Better abs would be good though.
I do like ab exercises on a yoga ball. They are not straining for the neck, and quite relaxing.
It's that procrastination and selective memory that keeps me from doing them.