I have to stop twisting my hair, but what will I do instead? 
Clicking pens comes to mind.
I appreciate the idea, but pens aren't nearly as pliable. I think that's what I love about hair...I can twist it into things. The trick is twisting it back into normal hair afterward! 
Maybe I should shave it all off and look like this ----> :lol:
What about a bunch of ribbons tied together?
I dunno, my hair is so convenient since it's right up on my head...I reach up and twist with the left hand while the right hand is mouse-clicking, it's so easy...also, I like the
texture of hair, and part of the addictiveness of this habit is that hair does get so messed up and matted! The worse it gets, the more satisfying the twirling and twisting...until it comes time to try to