"come by on monday, and we can talk about whats happening with your payment."
actual statement.
1. What can i contribute to that discussion? lets see
a) "i have no idea where you guys put my money."
b) "whats happening is that you guys havent made the transfer."
c) "my payment hasnt been paid yet."
2. yes, lets talk. lets talk about money. that will make me feel better:
me: "hi... "
them: "hi there. so... the money."
me: "yes. i dont wanna nag, but i REALLY need it now. you know. for food."
them: "yes yes, who doesnt. cant you... find food? you know, hunter gatherer style?"
me: "no. i dont have weapons or equipment to make traps, besides its probably not legal to just kill of local wildlife. why cant i have my money?"
them: "you can! its your right! in fact, your getting more than usual because of your disability!"
me: "cool, when?"
them: "god knows, tomorrow, next week, next month, who cares? im bored."
me: "so... im getting more money, but im not getting it?"
them: "you're getting it SOOOON! arent you glad we got to talk about this?"
me: "fucking thrilled. can i have your home address?"
thing is...
this happens every other month...
only this time they really drew out the no-payment time, only once before have they dragged it out this much, and that was years ago.
thing is, human mentality:
THEY got money, THEY're not in a hurry. THEY cant comprehend that you CAN be _fucked_ in norway. "but its norway! HAHAHA! oil-nation!" well then GIVE ME THE FUCKING OIL!!!

i cant go to the store and ask them for free food, cus we're an oil nation

if they promise welfare, we cant survive on the promise allone. either pay the fuck up, or shut the service down and ill do like normal broke people and mug them on their way home.