oooooh i'm itchy (and i promise this is the last time i post about being itchy for the rest of the week unless it comes up in conversation and is relevant)
A few people have made suggestions for what you can do about the itchiness. Did none of them work? My doctor recommended something called aqueous cream when my skin was itchy and dry.
Aqueous cream can be used for all types of dry skin problems. Whether a person is plagued with dermatitis or eczema, an aqueous cream can help the skin remain moist. The cream can make the skin smoother, softer, and more flexible.
It can even be an alternative to using soap. Some people consider using aqueous creams in place of shaving cream, lip balm, or shower gel. The cream is most often used in the United Kingdom to treat eczema, atopic dermatitis, or aquagenic pruritus. than this, ask your mum.

My computer is now in pieces and I am using my netbook instead. I am glad I bought the netbook for uni stuff.
I have an expensive car insurance bill coming.
I have to see a psychiatrist next month and that will be expensive too.
I have gotten mediocre grades this semester but I suppose that is my own fault.
This semester has gone by really fast.