They're completely different events... In this case I was starting a discussion on why Soph trolls WP because I was interested in the motivations.
In the case of P's site, he attacked me by creating an offensive of myself, so I defended myself by requesting that his site host remove it. P ignored the request and thus the site was taken. Only to be recreated again on another host. What happened after that is none of my concern.
Yes they are different events. Stopping just short of equating Soph to a bully and then claiming that is not what you were doing looks exactly like a classic passive aggressive attack. I personally forced a company to sell and destroyed two careers. I did that by taking my specialized knowledge and experience away along with diagrams of my part of the system that I had personally developed and drawn. In leaving I pointed my finger at two specific individuals so that redirected aggression would cost them their jobs. I did all of this very deliberately with the knowledge of what was likely to happen and it did happen.
In stating this I am not trying to
out of what the effect or intent of my actions was. I would like to see Brett or Randy now just to see what they would have to say about it. At 26 years of age you are old enough to understand the import of what you write if you choose to.
So you go from this
So "harden the fuck up" then?
I hate that response.
to this
Don't assume. My goal was not to make anyone angry, and I was quite surprised by your response, certainly not anything I would've predicted. I don't think Soph is a bully per se; just having fun at other people's expense.
And I'm not being anything, just having discussion. But obviously this kind of discussion is too heated to have civilly even on I2.
I hate allergies..I'm about ready to slice my nose right off...
And behave as if my response was a complete surprise. Yeah right. After you wrote this...
Trolling is similar to bullying. Sure it can be fun, but there are people out there that don't share your sense of humor and will find it offensive. To continue to troll in face of that seems to me to be arrogant and ignorant, and just a bit callous.
But that's my opinion.
So while you gave yourself wiggle room on Soph being a bully you directly called her arrogant, ignorant and callous for taking the piss at WP. Hence my accusing you of passive aggressive bullshit conduct.
I think when GA talks about trolling being like bullying, he is thinking of what P does and what P did to him, and not really the type of stuff Soph does.
I read Soph's "trolling" posts here and to me they seemed more like good-natured teasing like telling someone who responded to her negatively something like, "You must be acting like that because you really have the hots for me. That's good because I have the hots for you, too."
P's trolling is more mean-spirited, IMO. I can see why GA became upset when his most sensitive issue was ridiculed in that way. P had a choice when the host
he chose told him to take down the thread and not to start any more like it or his site would be taken down, but he chose to ignore the warning, his site was taken down, and he lost the money he spent on hosting it. What bugged me was that P whined that GA owed him the money he spent for hosting.