I suppose because she can. Soph can answer that better than I can. I knew buttcoffee was doing what he did to tweak people's tails so I didn't let him bug me. The only time I got irritated was when he did some minor whining @ zOMG about getting a perdictable result from his efforts. Whether it's @ WP or any other aspie board I do get irritated with aspies crying because the world is not the perfect place for their unrealistic standards. So the world is not perfect, BFD it's just like threads about bullies. Instead of fussing about it online bloodying a nose or knocking a head into a wall will get better results. But that is not an answer most aspies appear to be willing to listen to. Anyway I wasn't trying to start shit over someone else's trolling.
So "harden the fuck up" then?
I hate that response.
You know what? Fuck off!
I found out a long time ago that between eating shit or kicking someones ass (or ocassionally getting mine kicked) that I prefer the latter option. If it suits you to get all Pollyanna and hope for a kinder, gentler world then go right ahead. I'll continue to deal with the world as it is.
Whoa, over react much... sheesh. I'm not trying to start shit, just a discussion, if you want to get angry over the fact I don't share your opinion go right ahead, but don't attack me for it.
Bullying is a huge issue, and just hardening up is unhealthy response. Education is the best response, but obviously bullies aren't always willing to be taught, so you teach yourself how best to respond, and it's not just closing up.
'Harden up' is often used in response to someone who is sharing an emotional response and seems to be society's way of telling that person that their emotions don't matter.
Trolling is similar to bullying. Sure it can be fun, but there are people out there that don't share your sense of humor and will find it offensive. To continue to troll in face of that seems to me to be arrogant and ignorant, and just a bit callous.
But that's my opinion.