Now, my reason for coming to this thread ...
A twelve hour day kicked my arse, today.
I'm tired.
On a semi-positive note, though ...
We had an auditor from a third party come in to spot check our displays. These are displays from various manufacturers that I set up, personally as part of my old job.
She has a score sheet to fill out with seventeen points of functionality and presentation criticisms that she is required to assess for each display in her roster. There are fourteen required displays that she was there to grade/judge.
I had one hundred percent on twelve of them, ninety seven on one and eighty nine on the last. She was ecstatic! She said it was the best grade, on average, she has ever given to any of the twenty something stores she grades.
I went to hide!!
Back to bitchin' ...
She paraded around the entire store with this news and told every manager in the place, every sales person, who all gave me full credit. Everyone was looking for me to "pat me on the back." I wasn't able to take any such crap at the time and I apparently puzzled a couple of people, trying to get away from them.
I stayed off camera, on the move, above the warehouse until she was gone and I could leave, then ducked out as quickly as I could.
I read the email she sent out, though! I am so fucked!!
I HATE being made into some sort of sacrificial lamb for just growing wool!
It was my fucking JOB! It was merely a matter of course that I actually did my job, FFS! If any excess of credit has just GOT to be paid out, then give it those who have hired me and allowed me to do what I know, who generally have learned to leave me the fuck alone and allow me to do what I can do.