I hate throwing away computers!
I have put many perfectly usable units together over the years from salvaged parts from several machines. When I had my studio on the Army post the nearby dumpster was fucking goldmine
At work we have three or four computers every week that people have traded in or given up bothering to fix or the warranty ran out or what ever the fuck! We have to send them to a local auction house that sells them by the pound, by bid, a sealed pallet at a time. It is a way the company keeps its employees honest. We don't get a chance to bid or make offers or salvage the things that we condemn.
The bidders never have a chance to see what's on the pallets of "junk" but all the pallets are clearly labeled "Best Buy" and the bidders know that it will contain all the electronic toys that we sell, many of which are there as junk simply because of broken packaging. I've seen brand new, but "dinged" or "scratched," computers, televisions, receivers, speakers (everything we sell!) sold for ten to twenty cents per pound. So for less than a hundred bucks the winning bidder takes home several desktops, laptops, home theater systems, MP3 players, open DVDs, software and CDs by the crate ....... and I never even get to make an offer.
Of course, I could bid on them at eBay, if I wanted.