Stupid new keyboard stopped working. Had to return to the old one. 

I lost the will to live over that, quite frankly, which is why I just returned the damned thing.
Have you had other wireless devices that worked as promised?
I know you said you played with positioning, but there may be something to your original thinking.
I'm writing this with a wireless device that has no problems with being placed a feet and a half from the receiver. I tried it all but it still lost letters here and there. Just now, looking at the intergeeks, others have discovered that same problem.
I thought Microsoft was a decent supplier of hardware. They suck at software but my experiences with their hardware was fine, until now.
I had considered one of those ergo' boards for myself. They were nineteen bucks a couple of weeks ago, with a mouse.
I have never had any Microsoft hardware, personally, except for a mouse and it was made in Korea. It worked as well as any other ball mouse ever did.
Sucks to have the wind taken out of your sails like that.