I suspect I know who you mean. (well, I've narrowed it down to two anyway lol)
On the other hand, it's things like these that make me say, AS advocacy is a fucking joke!
I came to that conclusion a while ago, sadly. I've tried and failed to get a member-run project going twice now. I don't have the optimism or mental energy for a third, tbh. maybe next year.
Well if gwynfryn was one of those names, thats the one. Who else were you thinking of???

BTW, what's with "The Wronged" I can't get on there lately??? AS for As advocacy, I had to ban a tosser from the Island recently who is a lot like one particular member in this place. I didn't want to, but, the stupid twit pushed me too far. And AI is a support forum, not a place to toss your shit all over the place. Thats why I don't want to be an admin. here, I'm sick of people who have nothing better to do than incessantly push buttons and play mind games. AFter 5 fucking years of forum activity from Aspergia, wp and AI, etal., at the risk of being repetetive, AS AND autism advocacy is a fucking joke. Some people like TheASman and some others give me hope, a slim hope, but hope nonetheless.