I've had loads of call centre jobs, cos all there is here is retail, call centre or warehousing. It made me fucking nuts too. Hopefully I can get an evening/night shift warehouse job when Xan starts school in the autumn, if I can get fork lift training and maybe a work placement from those lovely New Deal for the Disabled folks at the jobcentre.
In other thoughts, they shoot horses, don't they? 
They make you do a coarse on forklift driving? They just threw the keys at me and told me to figure it out. It's not that hard I'm sure you cold handle it easily
Yeah, for insurance purposes, our company required an intensive training and testing to be
certified to use "Big Joe," which is our own version of a warehouse platform lift. I looked for a picture of it, but the Big Joe company doesn't show the same piece of equipment that we use on their website.
I am getting fairly comfortable at work, now. I always start early in the morning and finish early in the day. No problem, really, because I'm almost always up early anyway. I might as well go do something.
Ihave had a tough time getting my system worked around to a more normal sleep situation, though. Since I was ill. last week, I have laid off the coffee to get my digestive tract going again. It is mroe difficult without my evening coffee to mellow out. Tea just doesn't work the same for me.