Maybe I could gargle with some potassium nitrate. The potassium ions protect the teeth from the sour hydrogen ions.
Or brush your teeth with toothpaste that has potassium nitrate in it, which is designed for sensitive teeth.
I have used it for years and it really helps a lot. I don't think it actually helps to restore the enamel, but supposedly, it collects in any pores or perforated areas of the enamel, like around previous dental work, reducing the porosity of your teeth in those areas.
I had a gingevectomy a few years ago (The HORROR! ... the horror ...), so I also have some exposed roots. If I use one tube of toothpaste, without potassium nitrate, I will have hot/cold sensitivity return. among other problems. After our initial conversation, where I pointed out he was giving me toothpaste with compounds used in making "gunpowder in it", my dentist always asks, "Are you brushing with gunpowder?" He's cool.
Tig, don't worry, there's only a mild tendency to reduce your ability to achieve and maintain erections.
Just kidding - you don't swallow enough of the stuff to have that effect.