Here's another quick bitch: apparently our main phone carrier has been told to split its wholesale and retail into 2 networks. It was said in parliament that our system for broadband in Australia is in the bottom 50% of all nations with high-speed internet, and ranks even below the Slovak Republic. Our average cost for broadband is around $50 US, and compared to Europe and Japan, it would be considered slow indeed. Our carrier has been told to upgrade from the old copper network to fiber-optic, but even though they make profits of $1bn or more a year, they say they can't afford it without stinging the users extra. It was also said that had we gone fiber optic, the capability of 1 Tb/s would be possible (provided we also had photon chips).
And the big problem is, we are probably 12 years behind everyone else anyway because the previous govt did fuck all about anything.