Aaaaaarrrrrrrccccchhhhh, I hate bureaucracy.
For more than four weeks I am waiting for an approval to get into a job programm. Fist my contact was on holiday, OK, that can happen. But after that they kept me waiting for over three weeks. Ignoring emails, telling porkies at the phone. Now they finally realise my contact is long term ill.
Sad for her.
And for me, it may be a delay of months.
I only need a signature. But I will have to go throuhg everything again, explaining who I am. Where I come from, what aspieness means for me. I hate it. It's such a waste of time. This organisation is so good in keeping me waiting. My now sick contact was the first that was accurate and good. All departments I had been asigned to before have done nothing but keeping me waiting.
After more than three years, I was only a signature away from what I need.