Ah damn it, Buffy-guy is once again either taking forever to reply, or was frightened off. Either he's not as desperate as he seemed on his profile (which was 'only slightly, but non-negligably') or I'm bearing witness to a potential contributor to his singleness. It's a shame because at this point I'm intensely curious about whether he actually has as much personality as it looks like he theoretically would.
Don't fret dear, there's more cock in the roost.
Or tongue in the cheek, etc!
I thought Gene Simmons was the only one who qualified for that.
Maybe this Buffy-guy is more of a Xander. You're probably more after the Angelous type anyway.....
To paraphrase a great jazz pianist of a bygone era......"One never knows, do one?"
Bygone, indeed!
Ya gotta love Fats!
Thanks, I couldn't remember who said it, but, Fats waller was the guy that came to mind with your post...finally! I kept thinking Jelly Roll Morton, but, it just didn't feel right!
Meh, it's kind of like you and tectonic movements. Certain things grab our attention and we follow them, learn all we can and enjoy the ride.
Music has always been one of my obsessive interests.
I can remember being slapped in the face by racism for the first time as a teen and in trying to understand it, I came to realize that of all humankind's pursuits, only music has truly accepted all people.
Sure many kinds of governments, literature, society cross sections and revisions of history talk the talk, but only jazz music (and musicians) has truly walked the walk.