Ugh, that sucks. Shame you can't just disconnect the relevant circuit and operate the door locks manually.
Tried that first, of course.
I thought the same thing, but the entire safety feature system is interconnected, with seatbelt detection, brake and running lamps, door "ajar" detection, airbags, windshield wipers, warning lamps in the dashboard, and even the anti-lock braking system is controlled by this little black box of shite. The computer works all the time, that's no problem, but it's gone nuts and it operates things when it should let them sleep. It is the activation of the relays for the locks and the interior lights which is running down the battery.
If I want wipers or brake lights, I have to fix the little brain that makes it all work. This was my final conclusion after some troubleshooting and the mechanic (good guy, known him for years. He knows I am a car-keeper and that he does not have to get rich off me today. I trust him.) confirmed it today, but I have a case of "stickershock", just the same.
... and I repeat