I spent at least half of last night camped out on my living room floor in order to escape the noise of someone's fourth-floor air conditioner dripping onto my first floor a/c. Putting a towel on top of my a/c did not muffle it, but did establish that if I want the a/c to not die, I'll need help moving it, as I almost dropped the noisy mofo out my own window. I also discovered that my fun new swing is OK to doze on but is not condusive to heavy sleep, as I'm used to being able to stretch out. Luckily, the carpeting on my floor is kinda cushy, so I'm not sore, but still sort of exhausted.
Worse, my dad can't pop up and fix it today or tonight. I really hope my landlord can. If not, I may ask a favor of a friend. I hate to, but I have a very, very nice bed and I damn well want to sleep in it tonight.