people who walk slow, or suddenly stop in the middle of an aisle in tesco grrr
Or in the middle of anywhere! So annoying! 
oh why does everyone in the supermarket move at the speed of a stoned snail

then you have the ones walking round with lists, not lookin where they're going, then all of a sudden STOP 'where are the custard cream biscuits' oh ffs
the only forgivable ones are the old dears, with their shopping bag/tartan suitcase/on wheels contraptions - there's a wealth of shop lifting knowledge in some of
their sweet old faces- for sure.
then there is an air head with their trolley the wrong way (in parked position while they have fooked off to change their packet of biscuits for some crackers!) and even though the shop is half empty it's like a fookin assault course!!!
...and at the checkout...i am always behind someone who wants a refund and spends ten mins filling out the form, or wants to price check the cheese counter, oh ffs then the ones with the vouchers, eh 25pence off some washing up liquid, oh and im sure there is another one in my bag, hold on..while i look
i wanna scream ffs just fook off and i will give you the 25pence!!
not forgetting the newly single men, who are so used to their ex doing the shopping they stand there gormless not realising that they are supposed to be putting the rung through items in a bag, not realising until they have paid and ITS MY TURN AND I HAVE TO WAIT FOR THEM TO by one
last but not least..when you get to your turn at the checkout, finally, finally, my go, she promptly gets up and puts her fookin coat on cus it's her break so then you have to wait for another member of staff who then needs to balance the till and get the other one to sign out...
pheeew i feel better now i got that out