Alex fucking Plank sent me an email again. FFS, what does it take to stop him form sending those? I have told him that I don't want his stupid emails.
Join WP and post a callout thread! 
I'm IP banned there.
What did you DO?! 
Didn't I tell you? I'm sure I did. I compared the place to a bad daytime soap.
So, why does he keep emailing an IP banned person?
Good question! 
Maybe, after banning 40,000 other people over the years, he has forgotten the IP ban on odeon. 
Alex can't be a member of the Aspie Elite.
WE'RE the Aspie Elite, and he wasn't invited to the meetings.
So technically he has banned twice as many members as they currently have right now. And if he didn't do it, then it was those fuckwits he left in charge. My god, I thought Parliament was fucked.