Ex and I are switching off weekends of who will be taking care of the kids. He insisted we had to be home by 6:30pm so the kids have a normal bedtime routine. Fine. This weekend is his weekend. When he realized I was going out yesterday and I wouldn't tell him where, with who, or how long I'd be gone (but I'd be back before the kids bedtime) he hit the roof. I was so upset that I left the house in tears, threw up in a public bathroom and it took me an hour to stop shaking.
He tried to lock me out of a room to keep me from saying goodbye to the kids.
But I kept my plans and had dim sum with my girlfriends. Small victory for me.

Take note of everything he does to prevent you from seeing your kids, anything he tries to make your life more difficult, and use it in court if you need to.
Good suggestion. And diarise the date and time. It's actually able to be used as evidence if it is shown that you kept a record over time.
Tough thing is, he lives in your house. You may have to keep your record off site. I wouldn't even trust him near my computer. Too many spying devices these days and he sounds like a freak. The keystroke spy stuff is disturbing technology.