^ I agree. I hate a burnt tongue, although I'm learning not to be so impatient to eat food and wait for it to cool down. Numbed my front teeth yesterday biting into something hot.
Anyway, I have to go *make* myself have a shower now. Don't feel like making the effort, but know it will be worth it when I snuggle into bed.
Your front teeth sound very sensitive. Do they hurt when you bite into something cold? 
I have always had fairly healthy teeth, but I got an accidental knock to the front teeth once a few years back, so they will always be sensitive, but they were before anyway. I just have to be careful and hope the nerves don't die, so I like to be gentle to them.
I wonder if that toothpaste for sensitive teeth would help, because you definitely don't want a root canal except as an absolute last resort.
I had the nerve removed from one of my front teeth a few years ago. I put up with some pretty bad toothache for several weeks before seeing the dentist, and he said that the nerve looked swollen on the x-ray, so he drilled into the back of the tooth and extracted it. I don't recall hitting my tooth, but I might have accidentally cooked it while sipping hot tea.