Coming home from work and see I got the ban hammer at WP. But yet my friend didn't get one and he was on his last warning already and I was the one with the ban hammer. We both got into a drama with an NT and so did another user but she didn't get banned either because I PM her under another account and she responded. She said the bad guys always win. The NT was the bad guy.
So yeah that's my story and I know nobody cares but I'm telling it anyway. I'm going to try and get it sorted anyway.
How can you get it sorted? If you PM a mod with the other account, they will just ban it as well.
Nah, Lau or Maku have said in the past you contact the mods with another account if banned. I've seen them say it in the discussion.
But I see I got unbanned as LG when I logged back in. Must have been a temp ban for me to cool off or they made a mistake and fixed it. Or maybe my good friend westernskyline complained to the mods about me being banned and he wasn't nor liendaballa.
I'm always afraid of protesting to the mods in fear of being banned. All those horror stories I've heard.