My carpal tunnels have been pretty well-behaved of late. They only give me grief when I overdo it on the salt.
Quick bitch: Lost a day and a half to a migraine, boo hiss!
I didn't know carpal tunnel syndrome was made worse by salt! Fascinating, and very helpful!
Do you have any visual symptoms with your migraines? I have had at least one episode of seeing a classic migraine hallucination (the rainbow zigzag in one side of my field of vision) yet i didn't get a headache!
I've read with keen interest the descriptions, pictures and animations made by migraineurs about the visual phenomena they experience. Nothing like that ever happens to me. It's either pain on the right side of head, or it's pain on the right side of head accompanied by nausea. And that's it. I feel cheated.
Cheated, I tell you!
After several decades' experience of carpal tunnel syndrome, I've picked up rather a lot of factoids and trivia about the condition. First and most obviously, it's an RSI (repetition strain injury). Dental hygienists using handheld, vibrating cleaning implements tend to suffer with it disproportionately. It is said to occur more often in persons of Scandinavian ancestry. Dietary sodium can aggravate CTS by causing tissue edema (water retention), which narrows the carpal tunnel and places more pressure on the nerves which pass through it. As with other orthopedic conditions, treatment options usually boil down to surgery (when it's severe) or management (milder cases). Management might include things like wearing a wrist brace, cutting down on the salt as mentioned, and doing exercises to stretch and loosen the median nerve.
A useful site: cup of tea, darling? Bikkie?