Hot water draws moisture out of your skin. So you don't want it burning hot, kwim? When you put moisturizer on, use it sparingly, it will soak into your skin so you won't feel greasy. When you go to the store, try a sample and rub it on the back of your hand or your arm and make sure you like the way it feels/smells. Saves you from wasting money before you buy.
I just got off the phone with Harley's vet. His kidney's still aren't functioning as well as they should be so he has to stay in the hospital another night.

They're taking him off the IV tomorrow at 2:30pm and then I can bring him home and see how he does on the weekend. If his kidney's can't sustain themself and he crashes, I have to take him to the emergency clinic. So I called the ex to say that i'm not going to thanksgiving dinner at his Mum's place with him and the kids because I don't want to leave Harley alone, and I got attitude. Whatever dude.