I had pneumonia when I was 3 weeks old, but I survived. I'm sure your beautiful little boy is strong and will be OK.
let's just hope that he turns out to be as big a perv as you.
thanks all!
so we just got back from his follow-up visit.
he recieved rx for motrin and tylenol.
the benefit is that i think we found a new pediatrition for him. we were very unhappy with the staff of his old pediatrician. since his insurance hasn't been processed yet, they seemed way more interested in his billing rather than his health and welfare.
we explained that to his doctor yesterday and she didn't seem concerned.
but we were and we are dumping her sorry arse.
poor baby. last night the worse part was when they had to but a needle in him to draw blood. the nurse was great. but i think that Boston resented the tournequette and being held down.
other than that he was a trooper. everybody commented on how well tempered he was.
i am proud of my boy!