Even if I like Hitler this song is kinda funny and it's catchy on the old pianola:
When the Führer says:
We is the Master race,
We Heil — , Heil —,
Right in the Führer's face
Not to love the Führer
Is a great disgrace,
So we Heil — , Heil —,
Right in the Führer's face.

When Herr Goebbels says
We own the world and space,
We Heil — , Heil —,
Right in Herr Goebbels' face
When Herr Göring says
They'll never bomb this place,
We Heil — , Heil —,
Right in Herr Göring's face.

Is we not the supermen,
Aryan pure supermen?
Ja we is the supermen,
Superduper supermen!

Is this Nazi land so good,
Would you leave it if you could?
Ja dies Naziland ist gut,
We would leave it if we could!

We bring the world new order,
Heil Hitler's world new order.
Everyone of foreign race,
Will love the Führer's face,
When we bring to the world dis-order.

When Herr Goebbels says:
We'll get some meat to keep,
We Heil — , Heil —,
But he would rather eat,
But no doubt Herr Goebbels
Would be eat his meat,
So we Heil — , Heil —,
But still we get no meat!

Have we not made any friends,
Any friends, Aryan friends?
Ja, Adolf, we have friends,
We have many Aryan friends:
Mussolini is our friend,
Hirohito is our friend,
Count Ciano is our friend,
But we'll get them in the end!

We try to save this country,
But there is just one country —
It's just twenty miles away,
Where those goddamn British play,
But they won't let us have their country!

When the Führer says:
We is the Master race,
We Heil — , Heil —,
Right in the Führer's face;
But some day, in Hell,
He'll be right in his place,
When we Heil — , Heil —,
Right in the Führer's face!