Maybe I AM a fucking lion. I mean I can talk to cats, and give a 6'2 guy with a potbelly shoulder rides. And i'm only 5'4 with a pretty petite bone structure. I'm certainly not your average guy. 
That is the sweetest but funniest thing ever. I cannot imagine it though 
I should get someone to take a pic of it. Its like he's my little brother, but he's like thrice my size. A lot of people do wind up laughing. I get underestimated a lot because of the way I look.
I don't understimate you
You should get a pic of that. Also I'm kinda curious as to how Nick looks like.
He actually has a camera, and he's been fucking with it nonstop. I just haven't figured out how to upload pictures. You can't do it without a password on this comp, and at the library its the same crap. I'll just have to get a cheap laptop with wifi.
I got a job interview coming up on the 18th so it'll be soon.