Johnny Cash was ace. I have the last album he made on this earth. It's a beautiful thing. And yours is a beautiful story that adds another star to his skyscape..
Don't take this wrong dawg, but I swear to the god i no longer believe in that if you don't AT LEAST write down these stories from the road--so they're preserved in some archival form--before you die, I will personally come up there to Heaven and dog your heels until you do. same applies to the other places: H-ll, Valhalla, the Over-the-Clouds place, etc.
Well, 'drew, thanks, but I've posted, a bit too much possibly, about my attempts to publish one of my books and the frustrations I have met with in attempting to do so. I should mention how taking much of the soul out of my work to make it "legal" has caused me to almost completely lose interest in the project. I
have written what I think is a clever book, using many detailed, real life accounts, complete with extensive photographic study of my eighteen years in the music industry. I used the analogy of a Thanksgiving Feast as a chaptering structure, with each entree representing a set events. It is chronological, mostly, but following how I made some fun-times congruent to Turkey and others congruent to Pie or Butter or Dressing necessitates some jumping around in time to support the premise. I am particularly proud of my "hard documentary style" footnoting and indexing strategy and how extensively I have the work cross-referenced with itself, which offsets much of my "colorful,"
right-word-is-worth-a-thousand-pictures descriptive style.
I have also kept a file of "Cease and Desist Orders" from various courts around the country, explaining that I do not have (and will never be granted) permission to "use likenesses" of certain parties, whether "in photographic representation or descriptive written form" without facing legal consequences.
