Lake of Tears - The Neonai
Didn't go out to check for any other headsters, but I am home alone and pumping my forty five hundred watts to the air and soil. (yes, I commissioned the old Crown geezer amp into duty on the woofbass today across my ancient EBS (tuned at nineteen Hz) six fifteen cabinet, running mono at about three thousand watts (94.7 Volts across 2.6666 ohms = 3363 watts = my hat moves!)
Hendrix, Giuseppe, Ingwie, Petrucci, Schon ...
... guitar!
(I only wish Joe had learned what I tried to teach him about grounding his gear. At this volume his flooor pedals are annoying as fuck. I showed him how to fix it, but he did NOT get it!! His Studio recordings are noisy with guitar effexcts trash.
