I'm down to eight.
Eight mysterious old unlabeled half-track tapes from my early career in sound reinforcement. The reason they were set aside in the first place was that they were old. The reason these particular ones were never labeled is beyond me, but that fact also got them sent to their own pile eventually.
I have been looking at them for over three weeks, now and NOT wanting to waste them. I feel as if I could get through them all today if labeling was the real issue, but if I did that, WTF would I have to discover afterwards. The real issue is one of a nostalgic trip and I don't want to take the highway. I want to walk through the scenic route and stop along the way several times and compare with other notes in my manuscript as I have been doing.
I also have a half mountain of my dad's jam session tapes, which have meaningless labels like, "Adam's Birthday" or "Ricky - Easter" and much of his labelling makes very little sense to me, but I know who the main players are in all those tapes. The labels mainly represent the guests appearing on the sessions.
my last eight tapes, I do NOT want to waste by playing them too quickly. There is much building of joy during delayed gratification exercises.
I need a new personal rule, maybe.