Sigur Ros - Takk 
still can't see the attraction of that lot, i'm afraid.
theyre my favourite at the moment, beautiful music.
they definitely grow on you. Takk is my favourite. 
They have grown on me, too.
One of the "car guys" at work loves them. He's probably got all their material. I know he has a DVD also, which he puts in the fancy-arsed Blu-Ray display when he can get away with it.
I only have heard
Ãgætis byrjun and
Takk... which I ripped from the library. I remember a couple of years ago reading a review and the critics were calling them a "Post-Rock" band, but I don't know what the fuck post-rock means. I like their music and my cat doesn't object like she does to horn music.
Now, some Buddy Guy, miscellaneous playlist.