It was either my first or second day at work, when I noticed it in the "new releases" cart. We do lots of advertising around the latest recorded releases. Obviously, PJH did not get much fanfare, around here.
Now Justin Timberlake got a big welcome! We sold a fucking pallet (!!!) of his (miserable) new CD which came out about a month ago.
I think we have only sold about fifteen of the PJH (Exshellent!) release!!

Don't come to Indiana for second hand music, unless there is a college near the pawn shop.
BTW, if it's not clear, I am laughing at the moronic behavior that causes these "idiot bastard's" (Zappa reference) kids to buy a pallet-full, Thats like six thousand CDs in less than a month (!!!) of mindless drivel, like JTimberlake, and skip over something as incredible as PJ Harvey.