Travesty is not even the word for that. It's fucking pathetic, really. Sorry you had to go through that. Losing a decent collection of rare demos, along with your artwork, has got to hurt.
I don't mean to be harsh, but it sounds more like someone was NOT taking responsibility for their own guilt and trying to blame "Satan" for your problems. At the same time, though, they were probably doing the only thing they could think of, in their Christian minds, to help you. They sound like staunch fundaMENTALists to me. I don't mean to dis' them, though. They are your parents, after all, and outside of not understanding you very well, I'm reasonably sure that they felt they were doing their best for you.
Strip club reviews, eh? Cool, I'll bet your pre-presstime research was never too much of a bother to you.

I have been ripping and gathering music for about eight years, hot 'n heavy and the quantity I have seems insane. I have about one fifth downloaded from net sources and a tiny portion of that was legally purchased. The rest is all ripped by either me from my collection and the library or shared rips from friends. All my rips are saved at very high bitrates, Wav or Flac lossless. I only have one friend that I have shared everything with, but he has lots more money than I do. He gets lots more new stuff than I do, too. I have talents he does not posses, though and so I can balance the scale in other ways.
Right now, Cream, random playlist.