I've been listening to Zeppelin the entire last week (which is a lot, since a lot of my job is driving), because my friend rented their complete studio recordings box set and left it in my car. I can't believe it took me this long to get into Zeppelin. They fucking rock! Houses of the Holy is my favorite.
I'm listening to a band called The North Sea right now.
He "rented" the box set? COOL! Who or where rents music?
According to RIAA, ASCAP and a few others all music is rented and even when we buy a disc we must continue to pay for it as long as we listen to it.
The library. Interesting factoid. It's been probably around a year since I've last PAID for music, between the library and soulseek, that's old hat. Actually now that I think about it every couple of months I've bought some vinyl.
I see.
You had said he "rented" the set and I thought you had to pay a fee to borrow it. We are very lucky to have such an amazing library in our small town. I go every week, but it doesn't cost anything. Ours has over sixty thousand titles on disk, about a third of which are DVDs and that includes a few duplicates. I have found that many of their duplicate CDs are modern re-releases and often I have a chance to compare the original release with the re-mastered disk. Of course I rip the ones I like - Fuck the RIAA/ASCAP nazis.
I immediately backup my rips, of course. The only problem with my current system is that, since I have my two largest HDs in my box it is possible that a virus could fuck up my latest rips, which are not yet backed up "off the machine". I'm almost out of disk space, though. I need to get a couple more huge drives for the future.
Hey, vinyl rules! I visit Goodwill often and sometimes find treasures for a quarter. I have also found a lot of late-issued 78 rpm collections from the fifties with historical significance, too cheap to pass up. Last year I restored an old Garrard turntable and set it up to play 78s, including a special cartridge for the oldies. I buy every German, Swiss, Belgian and Austrian classical collection I find. There is an incredible amount of music in those old grooves!
Do you rip your vinyl to your computer? If so, how?
Right now:
Diggin' the Yogurt Top mix and wanting to hear the rest of it.