In the mood for a mixed playlist, so I've got this lot queued in Amarok:
Rammstein - Spieluhr
Nitzer Ebb - I Give To You
Meat Beat Manifesto - Mister President
Skinny Puppy - Use Less
Pitchshifter - As Seen On TV
Atari Teenage Riot - Midijunkies
KMFDM - New American Century
Project Pitchfork - God Wrote
Spetsnaz - My Friend - Godspeed
Funker Vogt - Killing Ground
Tanzwut - Extase
:Wumpscut: - Soylent Green
Front Line Assembly - Social Enemy
Velvet Acid Christ - Wound
VNV Nation - Honour
Eisbrecher - Vergissmeinnicht
(btw it would just fit nicely on a CD if anybody wants one
